Saturday, May 5, 2007


After a week of extensive research on the topic, individually, we met up today in order to organize that relevant information that aided us in this research. Inputs from various sources such as - The journal of Health Psychology, Pubmed etc helped us broaden our understanding of the topic.

Following a brain storming session, we framed a rough draft of the questionnaire for BID, which consists of a total of 30 questions that fall under a wide range of categories.

We intend to prepare that final draft shortly and start administering the same..... We will keep you posted....

Vidya, Purnima, Deepti

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Body Image Dissatisfaction - A Research Study

Hello, in this, the first post of this blog, we will briefly describe our intentions about this whole project and what our course of action is most likely to be.

We are a group of three students in the third year of a psychology undergraduate course in Christ College, Bangalore, India -
Vidya Ramaswamy, Deepti G and Purnima Muralidharan.

What we intend to do is conduct a research on a varied sample representing, what we will strive to achieve, the entire population of Bangalore. This research study would aim to be as multidimensional as possible, implying that we will investigate areas that have not traditionally been associated with Body Image Dissatisfaction (BID) studies, but those that we believe might have strong links to it. Dimensions such as genealogy, geographical location, ethnicity etc, will be investigated.

We also hope to employ a methodology that doesn't necessarily adhere to the norms but does what we think is more important - serve the purpose in the Indian context.

The purpose of this blog is to keep people updated as we go about the different aspects of framing the methodology, conducting the research and evaluating the data we collect.

This blog, we assure, will be updated regularly, as and when required. I request all the readers to visit the blog regularly.

As mentioned already, we intend this research to be an open ended one, any suggestion of any kind concerning any aspect of the research is most welcome. You can mail anyone of us, our email ids are given below.

On behalf of Purnima and Deepti,

Vidya Ramaswamy

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